Customizable Books by the Foot    805-907-1773

Millions of Books


We are Millions of Books! We are a service provided by Schwabe Books, designed to help fulfill your large-quantity book needs. What does that mean?  It means the world’s largest selection of books!  We have every type of book you could ever desire.  Every subject, every category, every binding, everything you could imagine

We can cater to any need you have book-wise. We sell books in bulk for decoration, movie props, instant libraries and house staging, to name a few. Here’s a few of the orders we’ve filled for customers.

What types of books do you need?  We’d love to help you!

We strive to be eco-friendly, and offer the opportunity to extend the shelf life of all books. We sell our new and gently-used books at our three retail locations, Amazon, Abe Books and other websites.

Founded in 1990, Schwabe Books is passionate about connecting customers with books and finding homes for otherwise unwanted and discarded books. Gathered in part by buying back books from customers, donations and auctions, we aim to find a home for all our books.

With literally millions of books, Schwabe Books operates three retail locations under the banner of The Open Book in the greater Los Angeles area (Northridge, Santa Clarita and Simi Valley) and a 100,000 square foot warehouse (with over 3 million books) for internet and bulk sales. All locations are available for your book-purchasing needs year-round.

We stand apart in also offering our locations for tv and movie filming. If you need a bookstore for a filming project, we’d love to work with you! Our 100,000 sq. ft. warehouse in Simi Valley is available if you need a large building, like miles of book shelving and pallet racking. Contact us for more information.